until 20.06.1999


Perejaume "Postaler", 1984

The retrospective exhibition on the work of Perejaume (Sant Pol de Mar, 1957) was a thematic survey of his artistic career. It included works produced in a range of media – painting, photography, sculpture, installation, theatre and literature – and provided an overview of his body of work as well as conveying the system of thought that it is framed within.

Since the early seventies, when he began to exhibit regularly, Perejaume’s pictorial practice has been strongly influenced by the search for his own personal methods of figuration and imagination: collage, nativity scenes, un-painting and oism. His interest in landscape genre has also led him to compare geological and cultural visions of nature.

The title of this retrospective, Dis-Exhibit, was an ironic take on the incessant production of images that characterises the contemporary world in general, and the museum space more specifically. The artist assumed an ecological approach, presenting himself as a regulator of the consumption of these images.

The exhibition brought together a selection of 150 works produced between 1977 and 1999, and several installations conceived expressly for the occasion, such as Dir-buix (1999) and Pic-ments (1999).

The very title of this Perejaume retrospective, Dis-exhibit, seeks to comment ironically on the incessant production of images that characterises the world today and the space itself of the museum. However, at the same time, it announces a new activity, which is to regulate the appearance and consumption of these images. This activity consists, paradoxically, in “dis-exhibiting”. In this way, Perejaume draws the sense of ecological management into his practice as an artist and, in general, into the ambit of the image.

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23 April 1999 – 20 June 1999
Sant Pol de Mar
Perejaume inicia la seva trajectòria artística a finals dels anys setanta. En aquella època se’l vincula a corrents avantguardistes com el dadaisme, el surrealisme o l’art conceptual, però també al romanticisme i al paisatgisme català del segle XIX. Joan Miró, Brossa, J.V. Foix, Verdaguer, la cultura popular del Maresme o el món de la pagesia són alguns dels referents que l’inspiren. La seva producció artística ha evolucionat entrellaçada amb la seva creació literària, i aquest fet ha donat lloc a una poètica d’infinites ressonàncies metafòriques en què conviuen pintura, fotografia, escultura, paraula, acció, vídeo i so. El 2005 rep el Premi Nacional d’Arts Visuals que concedeix la Generalitat de Catalunya i el 2006, el Premi Nacional d’Arts Plàstiques del Ministeri de Cultura d’Espanya. D’entre els seus llibres, podem destacar-ne: Ludwig-Jujol (1989), Què és el collage sinó acostar soledats (1989), Els cims pensamenters de les reals i verdagueres elevacions (2004) o Pagèsiques (2011), amb què va guanyar, el 2012, el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona.
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1 artists