25 years

In 2020 we celebrated 25 years of MACBA, a space for discovery and collective knowledge, an inspiring place to learn, experience and enjoy. Barcelona has been transformed during this time, as have the lives of those who live in the city and visit it. We at the museum have worked from the very first day to make art an amplifier of critical perspectives. We invite you to remember these years past, thinking about the future ahead of us.
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Coinciding with the museum’s 25 years, we are celebrating the return of two works that are part of its history.
Enderroc, (1996 i 2020). Ignasi aballí.
Enderroc (1996 and 2020). Ignasi Aballí The work is back in the museum’s atrium after 24 years, to become part of the MACBA Collection. The artist will speak to Ferran Barenblit, current director of MACBA; Miquel Molins, director of MACBA between 1995-1998; and Antònia Maria Perelló, curator and head of the MACBA Collection.
La ola, 1998. Jorge Iteiza
La ola, 1998. Jorge Oteiza Since 1998, La ola has been in constant dialogue with the museum’s architecture, nature’s elements and the neighbourhood’s day-to-day life. This year, it has undergone a restoration process that has kept it away from the Plaça dels Àngels for a few months. The conservation team explains the details of this process.
Weekly proposals to bring the MACBA Collection closer to you.
Which was the first work in the Collection? Which has toured the most? Which were the first female artists to exhibit at MACBA? Find out here!
These were the first female artists to exhibit at MACBA
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3 results
We are inaugurating a special series of audio capsules that will accompany you on your visit to the museum, drawing a thematic itinerary through a selection of works and key moments of these 25 years of MACBA.
The MACBA in your hands without leaving home
 In the virtual tour of the Collection display, you will go through the different areas and works on display, but you will also hear the voices of the people in the museum who have looked after them, explore unusual perspectives and travel routes that would never have occurred to you. Start your journey, full of curiosities and unreleased content that is sure to leave you impressed.
Three works from the MACBA Collection welcome visitors to the museum from different locations in the Plaça del Àngels square, linking the museum’s activity with the neighbourhood’s heartbeat. We are offering an audio-visual tour to explore the origin of these works, which break down the barrier between the artistic object and the public, who can touch and experience them.
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OPEN HOUSE EVENT November 28 and 29, 2020
We invite you to an open house weekend where you can visit all the exhibitions: Fina Miralles: I Am All the Selves that I Have Been; Tony Cokes: Music, Text, Politics; Action: A provisional history of the 90s and Plague, in addition to the permanent exhibition A Short Century: MACBA Collection.
We look forward to seeing you!
A museum begins with its people: the people who work there and the people who, like you, give it meaning by visiting it, reading one of our publications or browsing the pages of this website. From November 25 to December 4, participate in a series of personal encounters with some of the people who are part of the team.
If you were born in 1995, we have a gift for you!
If you were born in ’95, it means that this year you are 25, like the MACBA, and that deserves a celebration! Between November 14 and 30, we will give you a free year of MACBA Friend membership. This provides you with unlimited access to the museum, exclusive tours, discounts and many other benefits. Simply fill out the registration form and include the promotional code AMIC25.
I want to be a MACBA Friend
To celebrate our 25 years, we asked the artists Mar Arza, Carlos Bunga, Lúa Coderch, Regina Giménez and Matt Mullican to create a work for the production of a limited edition of tote bags. Each of them has created a never-before-seen piece for the occasion.
The collection of 5 tote bags has been created and made locally and will be available at the MACBA Store Laie.