Bandung of the North: Revolutionary Peace, from Palestine to the world and from the world to Palestine
Friday, December 15, 2023

Bandung of the North: Revolutionary Peace, from Palestine to the world and from the world to Palestine

Presentation of the film Notes on displacement by director Khaled Jarrar and a conversation between Françoise Vergès and Kader Attia
in progress

Continuing with the events that Bandung of the North will have in Barcelona, within the framework of the La Colonie nomade within the Independent Studies Program of MACBA (PEI), the film Notes on Displacement (2022), by director Khaled Jarrar, will be presented.

When this project was conceived over two years ago, the meeting was originally meant to focus on the theme of “Revolutionary war and peace”, the struggles of the Global South living in the North, and racialised citizens living under colonialism. The aim of the meeting was to examine daily life in the social and cultural war zones of the Global North, without ignoring international conflicts such as the Russo-Ukrainian War.

However, since the acceleration of war crimes perpetrated by Israel in Palestine – which preceded the Hamas attacks on 7 October and continue now on a daily basis – we have decided to centre on what occupation means for Palestine. Our focus will be the colonial war against the Palestinian people, which we will approach from the perspective of the Global South diaspora living in the North and the revolutionary heritage of non-aligned countries.

The event will focus on the urgent situation in Palestine, an open wound that is still being ravaged by colonialism. This catastrophe has ramifications that go beyond the borders of the physical conflict, extending into the Global North, where we live, and where the fundamental democratic principle of solidarity is being destroyed. This principle, defended by the non-aligned countries in full support of other colonially oppressed people, is now criminalised with regard to the colonised Palestinian people, even in the form of mere words.

This question of solidarity over the course of Bandung’s history will be one of the topics of discussion. What we understand by solidarity is the development of ideas to strategically support Palestine, taking into account the complexity of our own geographical position, which dictates how we think and speak. This includes demanding a ceasefire, sending funds to feed children, and providing material support so that artists from Gaza who have lost everything – their homes, families, and workspaces – can begin to reconstruct their lives. We aim to provide both political and practical ideas to rekindle the solidarity that was advocated by the non-aligned.

The screening of this session had its world premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Its review stated: ‘The news is full of images of overcrowded boats and vast tent camps. But how much do we really know about what refugees are going through? Notes on Displacement takes a deep dive by following a single family on a grueling journey, destination Germany. Their fear, disorientation, and solidarity is palpable’.

The Independent Studies Programme (PEI) aims to share and disseminate part of its content via the PEI Obert programme and the La Colonie nomade project, as well as through the occasional offer of places in certain academic courses.

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Friday, December 15, 2023
7:00 pm
Free admission. We recommend prior booking reservation. Limited capacity
Bandung of the North: Revolutionary Peace, from Palestine to the world and from the world to Palestine
Meier Auditorium
Friday, December 15, 2023
Bandung of the North: Revolutionary Peace, from Palestine to the world and from the world to Palestine
7:00 pm
Meier Auditorium
Free admission. We recommend prior booking reservation. Limited capacity
Is a writer, independent curator and antiracist and decolonial feminist activist. Though her publications show a wide area of interests, she focuses on the fabrication of consent and dissent, the understanding of systems of racial and gendered domination, systemic violence, the afterlives of slavery and colonialism and resistances. Her recent publications are Programme de désordre absolu. Décoloniser le musée, (2023), A Feminist Theory of Violence (2022), A Decolonial Feminism (2021), De la violence coloniale dans l’espace public (2021), The Wombs of Women, Race, Capital, Feminism (2020) and Aimé Césaire, Resolutely Black. Conversations with Françoise Vergès (2020). Following a BA (San Diego, 1986) and a PhD (Berkeley, 1995) she taught at Sussex in 1996 and Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2000-2007. She was President of the French National Committee for the Memory and History of Slavery 2008-2012 and project advisor for documenta 11.
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Bandung of the North: Revolutionary Peace, from Palestine to the world and from the world to Palestine
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