Views from the exhibition Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus. Photo: Miquel Coll, 2024. © MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Every Friday

Guided tours to Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus 

Led by Albert Gironès, Eva Paià and Marina Ribot Pallicer
Views from the exhibition "Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus". Photo: Miquel Coll, 2024.

On Fridays, starting 17 May, you can enjoy guided visits to the exhibition entitled Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus

The exhibition offers a journey through the work created by the artist from the late 1980s until today. Through different languages, including sculpture, collage, photography, video, installations and live actions, we will delve into a key concept to understand his body of work: the performing dimension, out there where the illusory and the real converge in a constant back-and-forth.  

The artists and researchers Albert Gironès, Eva Paià and Marina Ribot Pallicer have crafted a collective route through the exhibition. During the visit, the guides will accompany participants in collectively creating a story in which each individual contributes their own knowledge through dialogue. As part of the tour, clues will be shared that resonate throughout the museum in a way that each visitor can take away a murmur from the exhibition. 

Tours will be held in Spanish on the second and fourth week of each month, and in Catalan the other weeks. To book a group visit, call 93 481 33 68 or send an email to

If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at or by phone at 93 481 33 68.

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Every Friday
6:00 pm
Meier Building
Guided tours to Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus 
Catalan and Spanish
Free admission with the museum ticket, booking.
Every Friday
Guided tours to Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus 
6:00 pm
Catalan and Spanish
Meier Building
Free admission with the museum ticket, booking.
Guided tours to Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus 
3 artists
Groups reservation, contact at: 93 481 33 68
Jordi Colomer
more information 02:23
From May 9 to September 24, 2024
Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus
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