Photo: courtesy of the artist and la INFINITA
Friday September 20, 2024

INFINITA Healing. Juan Navarro and Óscar Cornago. Essay on Boredom 

Photo: courtesy of the artist and la INFINITA

Juan Navarro and Óscar Cornago explore the experience of the audience as a means and motivation for the ever-changing process of healing. This piece is a dialogue between an actor and an academic, which covers Navarro’s actions since the 1990s and questions the condition of past and present knowledge, comparing it with Cornago’s experience as a historian and theorist of the performing arts.  

Healing means caring and nurturing, caring for and nurturing dreams, traumas and obsessions, healing wounds and moments in all their uncertain nature; what we know least about ourselves, about where we are, about the future of this project. Infinite healing is a line of escape that delves inward in order to reach further outward

The piece is a question about what it means to go out on stage, to put oneself before the audience, and also what it means to be the audience. Can the audience be a form of healing, a source of healing, of attention, of fears and care, a way of celebrating ourselves? 

The piece is a conversation with the audience suspended in an improvised site between past and future. Body and word, reflection and action are confounded in uncharted lands of frailty, from which we remove the uncertainty of what we are and of what we might still become. 

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Friday September 20, 2024
8:00 pm
10 euros. The entry price helps to support and maintain La INFINITA as an independently managed space.
INFINITA Healing. Juan Navarro and Óscar Cornago. Essay on Boredom 
Friday September 20, 2024
INFINITA Healing. Juan Navarro and Óscar Cornago. Essay on Boredom 
8:00 pm
10 euros. The entry price helps to support and maintain La INFINITA as an independently managed space.
Juan Navarro
Óscar Cornago
INFINITA Healing. Juan Navarro and Óscar Cornago. Essay on Boredom 
2 artists
Jordi Colomer
more information 02:23
Del 9 de maig al 24 de setembre de 2024
Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus
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