Itziar Okariz “Mear en espacios públicos o privados”
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Itziar Okariz “Mear en espacios públicos o privados”

Open Screen. Works from the MACBA Collection
in progress


Itziar Okariz’s activism revolves around language and the body as imposed ideological devices that shape our identity. In this series of actions performed from 2000 to 2004, the artist, dressed in black, urinated standing up – like men do – in different private and public spaces. The idea of repetition, as well as the symbolism of the places chosen, play an important role: 167 Greenpoint Landing, on Greenpoint Avenue, the luxurious Soho Grand Hotel, and the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York, or Zubi-Muxu square in the city of Irún (Basque Country).

Thursday, June 25, 2020
From 10 am – available for 24 hours
Itziar Okariz “Mear en espacios públicos o privados”
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Itziar Okariz “Mear en espacios públicos o privados”
From 10 am – available for 24 hours
Itziar Okariz
Sant Sebastián
Trained in sculpture and painting at the University of the Basque Country, Itziar Okariz (Donostia, 1965) has lived in New York and Bilbao. Her video installations and performances arise from the critical stance and anti-capitalist logic developed in the 1960s by the Situationist International. Okariz’s performances employ great simplicity and often great forcefulness to question and cancel social norms and conventionalisms concerning morality, gender, language and the very configuration of the subject in today’s world. She has had solo exhibitions at Sala Rekalde in Bilbao (2008), deSingel Internationaal Kunstcentrum in Antwerp (2007), MUSAC in León (2014), Kunsthaus Baselland (2017), Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in Móstoles (2018) and Tabakalera in Donostia (2018). Her performances have been seen in venues such as the Museu Picasso in Barcelona (2010), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid (2015) and CA2M in Móstoles (2016). Her work can be found in collections such as the Fundació ”la Caixa” in Barcelona, Kutxa Fundazioa in Donostia, Fundación Marcelino Botín in Santander, Museo de Bellas Artes in Álava, Museo Guggenheim in Bilbao and MACBA in Barcelona, among others.
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Itziar Okariz “Mear en espacios públicos o privados”
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Albert Serra, Singularity, 2015. © Albert Serra
Open Screen
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Pantalla oberta: Itziar Okariz | MACBA – YouTube
Pantalla oberta: Itziar Okariz | MACBA – YouTube
L'artista Itziar Okariz parla de la seva obra "Mear en espacios públicos o privados" al cicle de cinema online "Pantalla oberta. Obres de la Col·lecció MACBA…