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in progress
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During the exhibition Before Our Eyes, on Thursdays – market day at the souk in Khemis – the artist Oriol Vilanova gets rid of the fixed admission price to the Museum. Visitors can bargain the price at the reception desk.

Last Price is a shifting of dynamics, a performance to dispense with the fixed admission price to the Museum and encourage bargaining, a normal practice in Arab market places. The idea is to open a space for negotiation, with a different pace and different rules, and a common theatricality between buyer and seller. The performance will be enacted by Museum staff and visitors on every Thursday for the duration of the exhibition, which runs from 23 January to 18 May 2014, from 3 pm to 7 pm.

23 January 2014 – 18 May 2014
Last price
23 January 2014 – 18 May 2014
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