Views from the exhibition
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Let’s Visit “Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus”

Exclusive activity for MACBA Friends
in progress
Views from the exhibition "Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus", 2024. Photo: Miquel Coll

We invite the MACBA Friends to a guided tour by curator Martí Peran of the exhibition Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus. The exhibition offers an extensive journey through the artist’s work from the late 1980s to today, through multiple formats: sculpture, collage, photography, video, installation and live action. 

These are productions where Jordi Colomer deals with events that involve addressing crucial issues for the community. These actions took place in specific contexts in a series of cities around the world: Barcelona, Bucharest, Sana’a, Mexico City, Istanbul, Tetuan, Modena, Palermo, Buenos Aires and others. Situations occur in which the protagonist can be a single actor, a specific community or the entire citizenry. 

Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus brings together very different works presented in an organic (dis)order that promotes cross-fertilisation between geographies, stories and objects. The projects coexist in an environment encouraging simultaneity, fragility and the diversity of paths. The exhibition ensures that each of his “scenes” retains the potential “to continue to shake up our ways of living”.

Thursday, May 23, 2024
From 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Let’s Visit “Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus”
Catalan and Spanish
Exclusive activity for MACBA Friends. Free, advance booking required. Limited capacity.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Let’s Visit “Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus”
From 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Catalan and Spanish
Exclusive activity for MACBA Friends. Free, advance booking required. Limited capacity.
Martí Peran is Professor of Art Theory at the University of Barcelona, as well as an art critic and exhibition curator. He has co-edited a number of publications, among them Transversal. Revista de cultura contemporània (19962002) and Roulotte (200613), and has contributed to specialist journals such as Artforum International and Exit Express. He has taught workshops on criticism and curating in various institutions. He is a co-director of the curatorial training platform On Mediation ( He has given seminars and lectures at museums and universities, among them, MACBA, Barcelona; MNCARS, Madrid; USP, São Paulo; Triennale di Milano, Milan; CCEBA, Buenos Aires; Townhouse, Cairo; Contemporary Art Center, Larissa; New York University; Art Beijing; and Jeu de Paume, Paris. Between 2001 and 2009, he was the director of the international exchange Roundabout Encounter Program between Barcelona and other cities (Mexico City, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Santiago de Chile, Bangkok and Reykjavik). He has curated numerous exhibitions, including Arquitectures per a l’esdeveniment, EACC, 2002; Mira cómo se mueven. 4 ideas sobre movilidad, Fundación Telefónica, 2005; GlasKultur. Què va passar amb la transparència?, Koldo Mitxelena/La Panera, 2006; Post-it City. Ciutats ocasionals, CCCB, 2008, and international tour 200912; After Architecture. Tipologies del després, Arts Santa Mònica, 2009; and Això no és un museu, international tour 201115. In the 201516 season, he developed the programme at Fabra i Coats. Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Futurs abandonats. Demà ja era la qüestió; After Landscape. Ciutats copiades; and Indisposició general. Assaig sobre la fatiga).
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Let’s Visit “Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus”
1 artists
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