Living with Pop

Living with Pop

in progress

Avantgarde art and mass culture in Europe in the 1960s
Directed by Jesús Carrillo

The aim of the course is to consider a redefinition of the borders between avantgarde art and mass culture in Europe in the sixties from different points of view.
First, from an analysis of the transformations that took place in European visual culture after the Second World War, including the Cold War, decolonisation, the process of economic reconstruction, the new leadership of the United States and the boom of consumerism and mass media. Second, from an analysis of the internal debates within the world of European art in the sixties: the crisis of the poetics of Informalism, the adoption of the means of media reproduction as a field of operations and the return to a critical attitude to social reality.

Avantgarde art and mass culture in Europe in the 1960s
Directed by Jesús Carrillo

The aim of the course is to consider a redefinition of the borders between avantgarde art and mass culture in Europe in the sixties from different points of view.
First, from an analysis of the transformations that took place in European visual culture after the Second World War, including the Cold War, decolonisation, the process of economic reconstruction, the new leadership of the United States and the boom of consumerism and mass media. Second, from an analysis of the internal debates within the world of European art in the sixties: the crisis of the poetics of Informalism, the adoption of the means of media reproduction as a field of operations and the return to a critical attitude to social reality.

13 March 2003 – 21 March 2003
Living with Pop
13 March 2003 – 21 March 2003
Living with Pop
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