Lorem Ipsum 2017

Lorem Ipsum 2017

Sound extravaganza on Thursday evenings throughout July at MACBA
in progress
Goodiepal & Pals

What happens when the virtuosity of the percussionist of N.M.O. tests his bigorexia to exhaustion, accompanied by the adrenaline of club culture and the vocabulary of computer music? What happens when Judy Dunaway gropes, squeezes and tightens the delicate surface of a latex balloon, as if it were an extension of her gesture and her body? What happens when Alex Mendizabal takes that same instrument, tunes it and fills the entire space with balloons for a day? What happens when rap hits pass through the vocal filter of Lina Lapelyte? What happens when Fela Borbone turns his Diogenes syndrome into a Mierdofón? What’s going on in Goodiepal’s mind? Lorem Ipsum… that’s what!

Lorem Ipsum presents a series of proposals that operate on the margins and folds of many things at once: music, performance, artistic research, experimentation; diverse operations, disparate and crazy, of displacement of languages, meanings, gestures and objects, from the musical world, in search of an enjoyable strangeness.

Curated by Alicia Escobio and Anna Ramos

6 July 2017 – 27 July 2017
Lorem Ipsum 2017
6 July 2017 – 27 July 2017
Lorem Ipsum 2017