MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier and Jean Genet in the Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfolio Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filming Beaubourg

MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier and Jean Genet in the Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfolio Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filming Beaubourg

in progress
Anthony McCall "Line Describing a Cone", 1973

The guided tour of the MACBA Collection by Carles Guerra, Chief Curator of MACBA, and Antònia Maria Perelló, curator and Head of the MACBA Collection, offers a three-part overview of the relationships that have developed over time between artistic practice and the urban condition. The first section follows the trail of the architect Le Corbusier and the writer Jean Genet in their visits to Barcelona in the early thirties, when each on them imposed their critical vision onto the streets of the city. The core of the exhibition is the Portfolio Office Baroque, forty-six works that testify to the ephemeral interventions of Gordon Matta-Clark in the last six years of his life, and that were recently deposited with MACBA by Harold Berg as a long term loan; the exhibition also includes drawings from the Sky Hooks (1978) series, recently acquired by the MACBA Foundation. The final section focuses on Roberto Rossellini’s film, which captures the first few days of activity at the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the way visitors responded to this new cultural facility.

27 June 2012
Included in the Museum’s admission ticket. Museum galleries. Limited places
MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier and Jean Genet in the Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfolio Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filming Beaubourg
27 June 2012
MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier and Jean Genet in the Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfolio Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filming Beaubourg
Included in the Museum’s admission ticket. Museum galleries. Limited places
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Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Colección MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Enregistrament audiovisual exposició]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Recull de premsa]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Colección MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
MACBA Collection . Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Reportatge fotogràfic exposició]
MACBA Collection. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Dossier de premsa]
Col·lecció MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Reportatge fotogràfic inauguració exposició]
Colección MACBA. Le Corbusier i Jean Genet al Raval / Gordon Matta-Clark. Portfoli Office Baroque / Roberto Rossellini. Filmant Beaubourg [Full de mà]