Marwa Arsanios: <em>Towards Relations of Usership</em>
Friday, February 23, 2024

Marwa Arsanios: Towards Relations of Usership

Open PEI seminar 
Song for Many Movements: Scenes of Collective Creation
in progress

Marwa Arsanios will open up the process of her ongoing work, Who is Afraid of Ideology? which looks at various practices that put into question property relations. Through different strategies and ways of working together, feminist organisations and social movements propose new forms of living together that centre land, ecology and feminist politics. Instead of ownership, a relation of usership is proposed. Where do film and image sit in these struggles? And where do film and image sit in relation to property? We will delve into methodologies and tools based on Arsanios’ practice as well as on historical examples of collective filmmaking

This event is presented as part of Song for Many Movements, an ephemeral experiment in which the ground floor of MACBA becomes a stage for encounters, conversations and shared listening. Curated by María Berríos and Sabel Gavaldon.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Friday, February 23, 2024
19:00 pm
Free admission. No booking required. Limited space
Marwa Arsanios: Towards Relations of Usership
Meier Building
Friday, February 23, 2024
Marwa Arsanios: Towards Relations of Usership
19:00 pm
Meier Building
Free admission. No booking required. Limited space
Her practice tackles structural and infrastructural questions using different devices and strategies. From architectural spaces, their transformation and adaptability throughout conflict, to artist-run spaces and temporary conventions between feminist communes and cooperatives. In the past four years Arsanios has been attempting to think about these questions from a new materialist and a historical materialist perspective with different feminist movements that are struggling for their land. She tries to look at questions of property, law, economy and ecology from specific plots of land. The main protagonists become these lands and the people who work them. Her research includes many disciplines and is deployed in numerous collective methodologies and collaborative projects. Solo shows include: Kunsthalle Bratislava (2023), Heidelberger Kunstverein (2023), Mosaic Rooms, London (2022), Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati (2021). She is currently a PhD candidate at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna.
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Marwa Arsanios: Towards Relations of Usership
1 artists
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more information 02:23
From February 10, to April 1, 2024
Song for Many Movements: Scenes of Collective Creation