My desire is to speak with you
Thursday, 20 October 2022

My desire is to speak with you

Seminar on the practice of María Teresa Hincapié
in progress
Vitrina. 1989/2020. 11 fotografies (detall). Cortesia de: Col·lecció particular, Barcelona.

This era requires us to turn our lives into a work of art… And to speak of a “work of art” today is something that is up for debate. My desire is to speak with you.

María Teresa Hincapié

This seminar on the practice of María Teresa Hincapié is built from voices that were and are close to her career and that build her legacy. We will share a space for dialogue about the relationship that existed between life and the artistic process for María Teresa Hincapié and we will discuss how the body modulated time and space in her practice. Through a presentation on her career by José Antonio Sánchez, this talk will first focus on the origin of her process —her shift from theatre to the search for a transcendent practice— and on some aspects of the artistic, historical and cultural context in which her work arose and that were important in defining her creative thinking. Next, we will talk together with Coco Fusco, José Alejandro Restrepo, María José Arjona and Santiago Zuluaga about the expansion of the performative, not only in the artistic questions of María Teresa Hincapié, but also in the practices of the artists participating in the round table and how the body can build another language in which to exist.

The title refers to a phrase by María Teresa Hincapié about the importance of talking to the other as the central axis of her artistic creation, thereby determining the importance of the intangible in her practice and of collective interaction as a producer of knowledge.

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Thursday, 20 October 2022
6:30 pm
Free admission with previous booking required. Limited capacity. 
My desire is to speak with you
Meier Auditorium and online
Thursday, 20 October 2022
My desire is to speak with you
6:30 pm
Meier Auditorium and online
Free admission with previous booking required. Limited capacity. 
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