Photo of Claudia Pacheco Araoz and Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
Monday, October 9, 2023

PCP – Programa Cultura Política

With Claudia Pacheco Araoz and Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
in progress

Claudia Pacheco Araoz and Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, founders of the PCP, will present the strands of thought developed in their most recent publications. The PCP – Programa Cultura Política (Political Culture Programme) invites us to analyze the idea of cultural consumption by focusing on the specific case of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and its historical-political context. A context shared with most other Latin American countries, it is characterized by the inherent diversity of its populations, especially with regard to the indigenous, native, peasant, migrant, Afro-descendant and historically marginalized urban communities that inhabit its territories. If we understand so-called cultural consumption in Latin America on the basis of the modes of production (popular, community or ancestral) of the majority of its inhabitants, German cultural criticism, English cultural studies or even the dominant Latin American cultural studies (Argentinian, Brazilian, Mexican, etc.) seem misleading, or even duplicitous.

Presented by Claudia Pacheco Araoz, Bolivian cultural agent and researcher and Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, co-director of the Independent Studies Programme (PEI).

The activity is held in the MACBA Meier Auditorium, but you can also follow it live on the museum’s website and YouTube channel.

PCP – Programa Cultura Política is a thinking laboratory dedicated to rethink and materialize culture as an indispensable tool to contribute to the processes and practices that shape life, economy and politics in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The PCP works on culture through publications, consultancies, and the conceptualization and realization of educational seminars and workshops. Learn more about PCP.

The Independent Studies Programme (PEI) is a learning tool that aims to share and disseminate part of its content via the PEI Obert programme and the La Colonie nomade project, as well as through the occasional offer of places in certain academic courses.

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Monday, October 9, 2023
6:30 pm
Free admission. Limited capacity. Previous booking required.
PCP – Programa Cultura Política
Meier Auditorium and Online
Monday, October 9, 2023
PCP – Programa Cultura Política
6:30 pm
Meier Auditorium and Online
Free admission. Limited capacity. Previous booking required.
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PCP – Programa Cultura Política | Claudia Pacheco Araoz i Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
PCP – Programa Cultura Política | Claudia Pacheco Araoz i Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz
Claudia Pacheco i Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, fundadors del PCP, presenten les principals línies de pensament sorgides a partir de les seves publicacions recent…
PCP – Programa Cultura Política
2 artists