Percussion concert

Percussion concert

Experience MACBA
in progress
Concert de percussió

Final year percussion students at the ESMUC will offer a programme of works by John Cage, Steve Reich, Phillippe Manoury and John Psathas for piano, marimbas, tom-toms and vibraphone.

Every Saturday MACBA will remain open until 9 pm. During these extra opening hours (6 to 9 pm), the Museum will offer a specific programme with music, dance, artistic actions and talks in the exhibition galleries. There will also be special guided visits to discover the secrets of the conservation of the works, the architecture of the building and the world of performance. In addition, there will be an extra guided tour of the current exhibitions at 7.30 pm.
After 6 pm you will be invited to a Moritz beer.

Discover Saturday evenings at MACBA!

12 January 2013
Activity included in the price of admission. Atrium of the Museum. Limited seating depending on the activity.
Percussion concert
12 January 2013
Percussion concert
Activity included in the price of admission. Atrium of the Museum. Limited seating depending on the activity.
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Concert de percussió – YouTube
Concert de percussió – YouTube
Dins del programa "El MACBA es viu", els alumnes d'últim curs de percussió de l'ESMUC van oferir al MACBA un concert amb obres de John Cage, Steve Reich, Phi…