Ping-pong Game

Ping-pong Game

21 Personae
in progress
Foto: Aimar Arriola

Ping-pong, also known as table tennis, is a paddle game played between two (singles) or four (doubles) players. According to Wikipedia, ping-pong is the sport with the highest number of active participants: forty million worldwide. And according to a study conducted by NASA, it is the most complicated of all human sports. Barcelona has over one hundred ping-pong tables distributed around parks, gardens and other public spaces. Rectangular, mostly blue and with a destruction-proof steel net, the ping-pong tables could well be the protagonists in a postcard of the city.

In Barcelona’s parks and public spaces, ping-pong plays an important role in the life of the community. This encounter invites you to join one of these ping-pong games. The rules are simple: if you win, you continue playing; if you lose, you’re out, although we would like you to stay chatting and watching. In collaboration with artist Jan Monclús.

Coordinated by the Organising Committee

24 November 2018
12 h
Ping-pong Game
24 November 2018
Ping-pong Game
12 h
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0 activities