Seeds from here, seeds from there
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Seeds from here, seeds from there

The Open Kitchen. The fermented seed, colonialism and extractivism  
With Eixarcolant Collective, Marina Monsonís and Isadora Romero
in progress
Mónica Fuster, Acció poètica INCERTIDUMBRE, Galería Maserre, Barcelona, 2013.

At the Open Kitchen we are continuing the work of drawing connections between localised memories and knowledge. Led by Ecuadorian visual storyteller Isadora Romero and the Eixarcolant collective, we devote this session to the bloodshed hidden behind the loss of knowledge and honouring that knowledge which is able to be recovered.

Isadora will present her video La sangre es una semilla, which, through personal accounts, explores the disappearance of seeds, forced migration, racism, colonisation and the resulting loss of ancestral knowledge.

Eixarcolant will talk about the significance of local seeds (including both edible wild plants and traditional agricultural crops) and grassroots knowledge that can help to recover food sovereignty. They will also speak about the people’s right to freely choose what they grow and eat. Food sovereignty is in critical condition as a result of globalised agrifood systems, the power of the agroindustrial sector and seed and agrochemical lobby groups. We can easily recover this sovereignty, however, if we are able to conserve local seeds and bring them back to the forefront of our agricultural systems, shops and kitchens. It is for this exact reason that Eixarcolant champions forgotten plants as an instrument for change, the seeds of change from which a new future will grow.

The talk will be accompanied by Eixarcolant biscuits, made with wild plants, and a tea made from the forgotten wildflowers of Montjuïc.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023
7:00 pm
Free admission. Limited capacity. Previous booking required.
Seeds from here, seeds from there
Auditorium of Convent dels Àngels
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Seeds from here, seeds from there
7:00 pm
Auditorium of Convent dels Àngels
Free admission. Limited capacity. Previous booking required.
Seeds from here, seeds from there
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The Open Kitchen
The Open Kitchen
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Llavors d’aquí i d’allà | La Cuina oberta | MACBA – YouTube
A La Cuina oberta continuem relacionant memòries i sabers locals, i, amb el guiatge de la narradora visual equatoriana Isadora Romero i del col·lectiu Eixarc…