The Listening Eye

The Listening Eye

Eugeni Bonet: Screens, Projections, Writings
in progress
Eugeni Bonet, Usession, 2002 (fotograma)

Eugeni Bonet (Barcelona, 1954) is undoubtedly one of the main theoretical referents in the fields of cinema, video and digital media in Spain. For forty years his writings have shown the evolution of these disciplines, establishing genealogies, working methods and the links between four different generations of artists. At the same time, his audiovisual programmes introduced subjects and tendencies that were practically unknown at each successive moment, to the point where many of them became authentic and indispensable textbooks. Moreover, Bonet has also followed a notable trajectory as a curator of exhibitions and artist, with various videos and experimental and feature films to his name.

In collaboration with LOOP Barcelona

Project’s website: Eugeni Bonet: escritos de vista y oido

19 May 2014 – 30 June 2014
The Listening Eye
19 May 2014 – 30 June 2014
The Listening Eye
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Jornada de debat en torn al projecte L’ull escolta. Eugeni Bonet: Pantalles, projeccions, escrits – YouTube
Jornada de debat en torn al projecte L’ull escolta. Eugeni Bonet: Pantalles, projeccions, escrits – YouTube
Jornada de debat en torn al projecte L’ull escolta. Eugeni Bonet: Pantalles, projeccions, escritsEugeni Bonet (Barcelona, 1954) és, sens dubte, un dels refer…