The Otolith Group
Wednesday 3 February 2021

The Otolith Group, Hydra Decapita, 2010 

in progress
The Otolith Group "Hydra Decapita", 2010 (fotograma)

Hydra Decapita is an investigation into an underwater realm imagined by the electronic music duo Drexciya. The work draws connections between issues such as globalisation, capitalism and climate change and the massacres of enslaved people in the 18th century. Using the slave trade as an allegory, Hydra Decapita combines myth and history to examine the intricate relationships between power, death, globalisation, abstraction and the modern-day system of financial capital. The Otolith Group is an art collective founded in London in 2002 by Anjalika Sagar (London, 1968) and Kodwo Eshun (London, 1967), who have written essays, mounted curatorial projects and made films and videos. Using an eclectic array of artistic media and materials, they reflect on the nature of perception and analyse the role of documents and images in the construction of the accounts of the postcolonial world.

Wednesday 3 February 2021
The Otolith Group, Hydra Decapita, 2010 
Wednesday 3 February 2021
The Otolith Group, Hydra Decapita, 2010 
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Pantalla oberta de Plaga: The Otolith Group | Hiuwai Chu | MACBA – YouTube
Pantalla oberta de Plaga: The Otolith Group | Hiuwai Chu | MACBA – YouTube
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