Javiera de la Fuente dances with We Eat and Drink Squares at the presentation of Machines of Living at Bauhaus Dessau. We Eat Circles And Drink Squares (2018-2019) realized by The art's room Factory of the Dutch Art Institute with contributions by Teresa Lanceta. March 10, 2019, organized by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.
Saturday, 14 May 2022

Up and down the stairs

On Teresa Lanceta's works as writing
Proposal by Pedro G. Romero and Teresa Lanceta at the Night of the Museums
in progress
Javiera de la Fuente dances with We Eat and Drink Squares at the presentation of Machines of Living at Bauhaus Dessau. We Eat Circles And Drink Squares (2018-2019) realized by The art's room Factory of the Dutch Art Institute with contributions by Teresa Lanceta. March 10, 2019, organized by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

Teresa Lanceta and Pedro G. Romero join forces to present Up and down the stairs, a live performance that will take place during the Night of the Museums and will feature the participation of dancers Javiera de la Fuente, Fuensanta ‘La Moneta’ and Ana Morales. Pedro G. Romero will read his own texts and the three dancers will perform around Lanceta’s weavings and fabrics.

‘Work on good prose has three steps: a musical stage when it is composed, an architectonic one when it is built, and a textile one when it is woven.’

Walter Benjamin, One-Way Street, 1928

There is an element of writing in Lanceta’s work. Not just in her wonderful texts, but in the tension between event and text that lies in her gesture, in the way she does things, in the material itself. This reading by Pedro G. Romero, with the dancers, underscores and makes visible what is written in the weavings, fabrics and textiles of Lanceta.

Taking Walter Benjamin’s quote as a cue, we could say that Lanceta adds music, architecture and textiles to her work, suggesting a choreography, a body or several bodies tying gestures, politics and spaces together. The artist dreamed that Antonia Mercè (‘La Argentina’) would know how to explain her work by illustrating Paul Valéry’s Philosophy of the Dance, and this performance emerges out of her dream.

Direction and reading of text: Pedro G. Romero
Assistant Director: Belén Candil
Dancers: Javiera de la Fuente, Fuensanta ‘La Moneta’ and Ana Morales

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Saturday, 14 May 2022
9:00 pm
Free admission with no previous booking required. Limited capacity. 
Up and down the stairs
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Up and down the stairs
9:00 pm
Free admission with no previous booking required. Limited capacity. 
Ana Morales
Fuensanta “La Moneta”
Javiera de la Fuente
Pedro G. Romero
Aracena, 1964
Teresa Lanceta
Barcelona, 1951
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Pujar i baixar escales | Nit dels Museus | MACBA – YouTube
Pujar i baixar escales | Nit dels Museus | MACBA – YouTube
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