Concha Jerez
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 1941
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After studying piano at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música and Political Sciences at the Universidad Complutense, both in Madrid, since 1970 Concha Jerez has been committed to the visual arts. While focusing on installation and performance, she has also made sound interventions in collaboration with the composer and multidisciplinary artist José Iges, which include performances and radio artworks, multimedia concerts, sound and visual installations, and other experimental formats. A pioneer of Conceptual art in Spain during the Franco years, she focused on analysing the communications media, censorship, self-censorship, and the role of memory and forgetting. She has pioneered the use of many kinds of technological possibilities, interactive media, diverse sounds, cross-disciplines and a wide variety of other experimental directions. In the seventies and eighties, Jerez presented her work in experimental venues such as Espai Tres, Sabadell (1979), Espai B5-125 of the Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona (1981), Sala Metrònom, Barcelona (1981) and Museo Vostell Malpartida, Cáceres (1983). More recently, she has shown in spaces such as the Museo de Bellas Artes, Santander (1996), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Castilla y León (2014), Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas (2017), Museo Tamayo, Mexico City(2018) and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2020), among many others. Her work is part of collections such as the Norrköping Kunstmuseum, Sweden; Museo Vostell Malpartida, Cáceres; Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart; Museo de Bellas Artes, Santander; Fundació “la Caixa”, Barcelona; Museo Salvador Allende, Chile; and MACBA, Barcelona, among others.
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