Eudald Ferré
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Graduate with an Advanced Degree in Dramatic Art, specialising in puppet and object performance, Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic at Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. Directed by Josep M. Carbonell, Alfred Casas and Joan Baixas. From 1986 to 2014 he was a founder and member of Pa Sucat S.C.C.L. Show Company. In 2014 he created the Company Eudald Ferré-Teatre de Titelles i Màscares. Since 2016, he has taught puppetry and mask at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. Ferré served as the artistic director of the GUANTE International Puppet Theatre Festival of Valls 1914-2024. Director, together with Luca Ronga, of the Atelier della Luna, International Project of theatrical creation courses, 2010-2021.
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