Jordi Pablo
Barcelona, Spain, 1950
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Conceptual artist and creator of object-sculpture since the early 1970s, Jordi Pablo has focused on the study of form. Made with ‘poor’ and soft materials such as paper, plastic, foam rubber or cotton, his objects conjugate morphology with language, irony and play. His main interest lies on the object as a grammar of forms in space. His best-known works are phonetic sculptures made from plastic tubes and foam rubber configuring a kind of talking mouth that associates form with certain onomatopoeic sounds. Also interested in popular imaginaries and festivities, he has gathered a substantial collection of documents (posters, publications, objects, photographs, etc.) relating to Catalonia’s festive heritage in his so-called Arxiu Festiu Catalunya. Following his first exhibition at Sala Gaspar, Barcelona (1972), he took part in the Encuentros de Pamplona (1972); BCD, Barcelona (1976); Paris Biennial (1977); the first exhibition of object art in Catalonia at the Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona (1978); and Seny i rauxa. 11 artistes catalans, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (1978). More recently, he presented part of his Arxiu Festiu at the Museu Marès, Barcelona (2012).
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Llauna de cervesa en got
Jordi Pablo
Llauna despullada
Jordi Pablo
Penell de l'ull i la cullera (Ull oriental)
Jordi Pablo
Homenatge a Piotr Kowalski
Jordi Pablo
Llengota de llauna
Jordi Pablo
Estrella roja (vermella)
Jordi Pablo
Pell de cervesa en got
Jordi Pablo
Llauna vivbrada
Jordi Pablo
Jordi Pablo
Peu artificial. 19 octubre 1972
Jordi Pablo
Jordi Pablo
Peu artificial. 19 octubre 1972
Jordi Pablo
Tassa doble
Jordi Pablo
Pot llavial
Jordi Pablo
Tres parells de sabates
Jordi Pablo
Variació lineal per a una capsa de mistos
Jordi Pablo
Jordi Pablo
[catàleg de dibuixos]
1969 - 1975
Jordi Pablo
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[6576_001_rgb / Imatge] Diametral
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[6575_001_rgb / Imatge] Pom!
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[6573_001_rgb / Imatge] Fulles d'eucaliptus
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[6574_001_rgb / Imatge] Palillo bífid i trífid
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[6572_001_rgb / Imatge] Branques connectades
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[6571_001_rgb / Imatge] Rectangles vegetals
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[4786_001_rgb / Imatge] Peu artificial. 19 octubre 1972
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[6570_001_rgb / Imatge] Peu artificial. 19 octubre 1972
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[6567_001_rgb / Imatge] Regles de 15 cm: regla de 15 cm, entre el cm 6 i 7 mesura 6 cm; regla de 15 cm, entre el cm 2 i 6 mesura 2 cm; regla 15 cm, que no mesura res, perquè torna al seu punt inicial
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[6568_001_rgb / Imatge] Taula de bar tancat amb cadires a sobre
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[6565_001_rgb / Imatge] Publicitat encapsada
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[6566_001_rgb / Imatge] Pintes despentinades
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[6569_001_rgb / Imatge] Sis variacions per a goma i pinces
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