María José Arjona
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María José Arjona initially received dance training before devoting herself to performance. She graduated from the Academia Superior de Artes, Bogota. In recent years, Arjona has developed a series of workshops, talks and seminars dedicated to educating the public and university students on the social and political potential of the performing arts. Her work has been exhibited in different museums, galleries and international events, such as the Third Triennial of Guangzhou, China, (2008); In Transit, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Germany (2009); the Quadrilateral Biennial, Croatia (2011); the MOTHER Museum, Italy (2010); Irregular Hexagon, Israel (2012); the Morocco Biennial (2912); DOIT, United Kingdom (2013); the 43 Artists National Salon, Colombia (2014); NC-art, Colombia (2014); Caixa Forum, Spain (2015); FLORA ars+natura, Colombia (2015); Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany (2016); Infinite must be known – Retrospective, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Colombia (2018); and Colombian Art of the 21st Century, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, Colombia (2019), among others. She also participated as a re-performer for the Marina Abramović retrospective at MoMA, New York, USA (2010) and in the artist’s residence programme of the Watermill Center, New York (2009). Her work is part of public and private collections in Colombia, the United States, Europe and Asia.
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