Marta Begué
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Marta Begué’s artistic research revolves around the musicality of phonetics, daily orality and non-normative muscular expression. Moving away from beauty, she seeks the literary images necessary to express specific reflections and experiences that result in a much deeper meaning. Her staging, although rooted in the toughness of the original protests of spokenwordpoetry and rap, is influenced by the universe of performance at the corporal level. Her gestures are powerful, simple and descriptive.   In 2019 she published her first collection of poems, Anagnórisis, and she presented them accompanied by live musicians using improvisation as a vehicle. She has been featured in various events in Barcelona’s queer scene, such as Furia Queer (Barcelona 2022), FUTUROA (Barcelona 2021), the Vociferio poetry festival (Valencia 2022) and the national Slam Poetry final (Zaragoza 2021).
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