Nancy Garín
last update
Nancy Garín Guzmán is a journalist and art historian whose projects relate to critical thinking, new forms of pedagogy, archives, memory and colonialism. She has also previously completed the MACBA Independent Studies Programme (PEI). As a member of the artist collective Etcétera and Internacional Errorista, she has taken part in events and exhibitions such as the Istanbul Biennial (2009), the Taipei Biennial (2008), PUBLICTRANSITarPÚBLICos (USA/Mexico, 2007), Ex-Argentina (2006), Pasos para huir del trabajo al hacer (Cologne, 2004) and Kollektive Kreativität (Kassel, 2005). She has participated in research groups such as Península: Procesos coloniales y prácticas artísticas y curatoriales (2012 -2018) and Contraimaginarios (Postpandémicos) (2022-2023). She is part of the research and production platforms Equipo re (2010–present), with whom she has been developing the Anarchivo sida project , and the Espectros de lo Urbano group (2017–present), who focus on the urban environment as a part of colonial machinery and the predatory processes of capitalism.
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