Núria Güell
Barcelona, Spain, 1981
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Núria Güell studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona and at the Cátedra Arte de Conducta, Havana, Cuba. She currently lives and works in Vidreres. ‘I cannot deny that there is a strong subversive inclination in my work. It is rooted in the fact that I do not understand artistic practice as a cultural practice, but quite the opposite: I understand it as a socially and politically necessary practice in which the cultural and the established are brought into play.’ As Güell herself confirms, she understands and practises art as a confrontation, often at the limit of legality, with the hidden contradictions of power and moral conventions. She uses bureaucratic procedures, relationships with public institutions, the involvement of complicit individuals, documentation, public appeals and everything else at her disposal to question the institutions and the public space, resulting in installations, documentary processes, videos, actions, gestures and movements that aim to engage the viewer.  Her solo exhibitions include Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona (2015), Project Arts Centre, Dublin (2016), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Castilla y León (2018), Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, England (2018), CAC Brétigny, France (2018), Bòlit, Girona (2019), Center for Arts and Politics, Tel Aviv (2020) and Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona (2021). She has participated in the biennials of Pontevedra (2010), Liverpool (2010), Ljubljana (2011), Athens (2013), Kyiv (2015), Warsaw (2019), Cúcuta, Colombia (2019, 2017) and Havana (2009, 2012, 2019). Her work is included in the collections of Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, England; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida; and MACBA, Barcelona.
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