Tania Pardo
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Tania Pardo is Deputy Director of the Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo and until June 2023 she was Plastic Arts Adviser for the Region of Madrid. Curator and researcher, she holds a degree in Art History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She was Head of the Exhibitions Department at La Casa Encendida (2015-2019), Professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid (2014-2019) and is currently a member of the teaching team of the Master’s Degree in Curatorial Studies at the University of Navarra and the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management at the Universidad Carlos III. She also worked as a curator at MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León and head of programming at Laboratorio 987 (2005-2010). She was Project Director at the Santander Foundation in 2016 (2009-2010) She has worked on a number of curatorial projects with different institutions, among them: Sin heroísmos, por favor (Iván Argote-Teresa Solar Abboud-Sara Ramo) at CA2M (March 2012); the programme En Casa at La Casa Encendida (2012); and 1465 Tizas by Maider López at MATADERO Madrid’s Nave 16. She co-directs the Jornadas de Estudio Arte Contemporáneo Español (Helga de Alvear Foundation / La Casa Encendida and Museo Unión FENOSA) as well as the course “Curating the Present” offered at La Casa Encendida since 2012. She has also organised –in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM’s “Salón de Verano” (July 2014)– projects related to contemporary art and education. She also headed the CAFÉ DOSSIER portfolio viewing project organised by the Ministry of Culture (2013 and 2014) and was the initiator of the Madrid 45 / Line 3 Visual Culture Programme organised by the Region of Madrid (2015-2016). She writes for various specialised media, has been a regular contributor to the El País culture supplement Babelia as an art critic, writes for exhibition catalogues, teaches courses and seminars on Contemporary Art and is a member of various juries for prizes and competitions related to Contemporary Art. She recently curated the exhibition Dialecto CA2M with Manuel Segade, based on the CA2M Collection and Fundación ARCO, and the solo show Casi 400 m2 para dos paisajes by the artist Mitsuo Miura at the CA2M Museum.
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