Ula Sickle
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Ula Sickle (Canada/Poland) is a choreographer and performer, living and working in Brussels. From a background in contemporary dance, she works across disciplines, drawing from contemporary music and the visual arts. She studied in Toronto and Paris, before attending PARTS, Performing Arts Research and Training Studios in Brussels and Le Fresnoy in Tourcoing (France). In 2017–18 she was artist in residence at Ujazdowski Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw and WIELS in Brussels. Ula’s performances have been presented in theatres and festivals across Europe including the Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Wiener Festwochen (Vienna), Tanz Im August (Berlin), Moving in November (Helsinki) and Les Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (Paris), among others. Ula is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Flemish Authorities. More information:
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