MACBA Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona

Unknown City Beneath the Mist. New Images from Barcelona’s Peripheries
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From June 21, 2024, to January 12, 2024
Unknown City Beneath the Mist. New Images from Barcelona’s Peripheries
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From May 9 to September 24, 2024
Jordi Colomer. Façana Foto Festa Futur Fideus
L’Internationale Online
New research and publishing platform.
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The poetic intention of…
In ‘Estil Internacional (Mur d’Ònix)’ (International Style [Onyx Wall]), Lúa Coderch reproduces the onyx wall of the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, built in 1929 for the Barcelona International Exposition. The work reflects on the paradox hidden behind the concept of “historical present” and touches on how the city has been built, projecting moments of time that the city wished to commemorate which have inevitably become outdated.
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Dissabtes MACBA

Every Saturday, free admission to the museum

Every Saturday from 4 pm, visit the exhibitions, rediscover the Collection, and take part in activities, guided tours, concerts and performances…
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