
A Woman Who Gives Us Wings 

Mari Chordà in the MACBA Collection

Painter, poet and tireless activist for feminist causes since the 1960s, Mari Chordà has a significant presence in the MACBA Collection. Born in Amposta, at the age of twelve she suffered an illness that kept her bedridden for a year. When a family friend noticed she was colouring the drawings in her books and brought her a box of coloured paints, it opened a whole new world. ‘I had what we women should always have, another woman who gives us wings’, Chordà explains. One of the paintings in the Collection, Coitus Pop, an enamel on wood from 1968, was selected by Tate Modern, London, to be included in the 2015 exhibition, The World Goes Pop. This and other works such as Vulva (1968), Líquids (Liquids, 1966) and Llàgrimes (Tears, 1966) are proof that Chordà is a pioneer in the representation of the female body and sexuality in a way far removed from voyeurism and the patriarchal gaze. The abstraction and brash Pop colours of her paintings and wooden sculptures reveal a taste for play and experimentation that has remained a constant throughout Chordà’s works. 

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[6382_001_rgb / Imatge] Líquids
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[6383_001_rgb / Imatge] Llàgrimes
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“Mari Chordà… and many other things”
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