
“Almost 3,000 resumes in one month”

The cracks in the system of production according to Adrian Melis
Adrián Melis created a private company in Amsterdam in 2014. In various media he published a job offer aimed at Spaniards, involving working two hours a day five days a week for a month. The job consisted of printing the 2,700 CVs received from those applying for the post and then destroying them in a shredding machine. The resulting shredded CVs along with a projection showing the process of its destruction. The cracks in the system of capitalist production are Melis’s working material. In this piece, he transforms the job prospects and life expectations of the applicants into raw material for shredding. The work is a sarcastic reference to the maxim of liberal economist Joseph Schumpeter, who argued that capitalism creates wealth by destroying existing economic and social structures.  You can listen to Melis’ own statements in an interview with Radio Web MACBA:
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