
The sea of grass by Fina Miralles

In the early seventies, following on from Arte Povera, the actions of Fina Miralles developed as a reflection on the materiality of nature. Most of her work was based on the dialectic between nature and artifice through a change in the context of physical elements.

The Translations series documents some of the actions performed in November 1973. On a beach in Premià de Mar, Miralles set grass floating on the sea: the grass, which had been grown in Sabadell, was cut and transported in turves of 40 x 40 cm. The flotation lasted about three hours. Miralles kept the images of the action in a box-suitcase in a reference to the emblematic Boîte-en-valise by Marcel Duchamp.

[0505_002_hist / Imatge] Translacions. Herba flotant al mar [Documentació de l'acció realitzada el novembre de 1973 a Premià de Mar, Espanya]
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[0504_001_pub / Imatge] Translació d'arena de la platja a un camp de conreu
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[0503_007_hist / Imatge] Translacions. Dona-arbre [Documentació de l'acció realitzada el novembre de 1973 a Sant Llorenç de Munt, Espanya]
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3 results
Fina Miralles: I Am All the Selves that I Have Been
5 November 2020 to 5 April 2021
3 March, 2005 to 29 May, 2005
MACBA Collection. New acquisitions
5 July, 2000 to 25 September, 2000