In other words

To collect voices, share experiences, look at each other, connect, relate, create a museum. Get into the new video series… In other words.

To learn about the activities of the Museum’s educational programme, the best way is to take part in it. The aim of this series is to give a voice to the participants. With a hand-held camera, we approach them so they can tell us in their own words. Artists, schoolchildren, teachers, families, neighbours, educators, people who work at the Museum… speak in the first person.
‘The trembling I experience in front of this beautiful work reminds me very much of the trembling I feel inside myself.’ With Loli Acebal, we delve into the weekly visits to the MACBA Collection. In a visual journey through the exhibition galleries, she reminds us in her own words of the visits that moved her the most. Art historian and educator Loli Acebal collaborates with the MACBA Educational team as part of the Avalancha collective.
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‘This connection is essential, bringing the Museum to the classroom.’ In this capsule, Amèlia Mañà, secondary school teacher and regular participant in the Museum’s activities for teachers, takes the floor. Through her voice, we share with her students one of the activities inspired by MACBA’s P2P workshops: a journey into food and the emotions that family recipes evoke in us.
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‘I always saw it as super white. Later I built on that, discovering the exhibitions, the people and the idea that it had colour. Everything!’ In this instalment of the series, we examine one of the activities we have been developing for the last six years: a permanent space for artistic experimentation with the kids of the neighbourhood. They tell us in their own words.
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