Ethical Channel

The Ethical Channel is the communication channel that enables the MACBA to be aware of any action or omission by the MACBA contrary to the principles of good governance, as a way to strengthen public management and to make possible society’s trust in public institutions and in the people who provide services there.

It is a secure and confidential tool that aims to facilitate the communication for the employees of the entity, the people who are related to it in the labor sphere or third parties contractually linked to the entity, anonymously or identified, in writing or verbally, of information about possible infractions committed by the MACBA, granting adequate protection against the reprisals that the informants may suffer. This channel always records the communications received and guarantees respect for independenceconfidentialitydata protection, the secrecy of communications and the protection of informants, as established by Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 23, 2019, and Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory and anti-corruption violations. The ways of communication offered by the channel are the following:
  • Postal address: c/ Sant Agustí 1, 1r 1a, 08301 Mataró (Barcelona)
  • Phone call: 93 496 18 45
You can consult the values ​​and ethical principles of the museum in terms of good governance and socially responsible behaviour here (in Catalan).