Individual Residencies 2020

Lena Sophie Trüper
RESIDENCY PERIOD: January – february 2020
Lena Sophie Trüper
Natural Metaphors of Cybernetics. Visual forms of expression in technological ecologies of modernity to the present Lena Trüper is a PhD candidate working on artistic practices between 1960 and 1970 that generated visual nature metaphors like clouds or water and earth surfaces to indicate adaptive systems that include the observer. A main focus of her research is the work of the Centro de Arte y Communicación (Center of Arts and Communication, CAYC), founded by the artist and critic Jorge Glusberg in 1969 in Argentina, that presented exhibitions like «Arte y cibernética» (Art and cybernetics, Galeria Bonino, Buenos Aires, 1969) and «Arte de sistemas» (Systems art, Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, 1971). The research centers in the question to what extent the artists of the CAYC developed specific aesthetical practices that were connected to the ecologic discourse developing in the U.S. during that time according to the reception of cybernetics and if these practices contributed to the international reception of some artists, while others gained importance mainly in the local context.
Blanca Jové Alcalde
RESIDENCY PERIOD: January – april 2020
Blanca Jové Alcalde
How are discursive public programmes conceived at contemporary art institutions? Framed within her PhD Thesis, the study of Blanca Jové is a response to current premises that argue that discursive public programmes can develop spheres of social and political action within the art institutions. She uses ethics of care as a disruptive methodology that seek to critically analyses these practices, especially in relation to their lack of collaboration and biased participation. During her residency, she aims to construct a theoretical body of work proposing alternative forms for thinking about these programmes; addressing the importance to recognise our interdependency with all living beings.
Ricardo Iglesias
RESIDENCY PERIOD: January – april 2020
Ricardo Iglesias
Connected bodies. Art, technology, utopia and robotics From an initial investigation carried out in 2018 at the MACBA Study Centre, the artist and researcher develops a meta-study, a parallel examination of the historical, aesthetic, social and technological utopian processes. Mainly focused on the human subject, where the body is understood as individuality susceptible to modification, transformation and self-representation; a fundamental element or particle in the construction of societies and utopias. The project is a critical visualisation of the impact on the current social and artistic environment of the technological ‘explosion’, often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the bubble-spheres of information and communication technology (ICT) , robotics and A.I., and the sonic and visual fields.Presenta una visualización crítica sobre el impacto en el entorno ciudadano, social y artístico actual de la “explosión” tecnológica, planteada como la IV Revolución Industrial desde las esferas-burbujas de la información y la comunicación (TICs), la robótica y la I.A. y lo visual y lo sonoro.
See the rest of the residencies of 2020 in Catalan or Spanish.