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Fault lines in the RWM vault

In geology, a fault line is a crack in the earth’s crust caused by the movement of tectonic plates

We borrow this term to highlight five one-of-a-kind features in our archive that capture interesting moments of divergence, tension, or even accident. 

Five podcasts that are unique for uniquely different reasons, in which a challenging approach or an unconventional modus operandi crystallises into a memorable sonic fault line in our vault. 

Some interviews go exactly according to plan. Others unfold into something unexpected right there on the spot. This was one of those. We sat down with curator and researcher Grant Watson to talk about textiles and their material and social ramifications, and ended up talking about his interview-based practice instead, essentially producing an extremely meta interview on interviews and interviewing. Asking questions about asking questions about asking questions.
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The third instalment in Barbara Held and Pilar Subirà’s series Lines of Sight features two amazing pieces by contemporary music and sound art legend Robert Ashley (1930-2014). Special mention goes to the first work, Pillars, which was commissioned by Barbara and Pilar in 2007. A fantastic trip in which music, language and speculation converge rather magically in an ode to the imagination that is extremely simple on the surface, yet wonderfully rich in meaning. 

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‘I think that boredom is certainly not boring. Boredom is actually very exciting.’ With this opening line, Canadian artist and curator Hank Bull launches into a discussion of ideas about entertainment and archives in relation to The HP Dinner Show – an action-packed weekly radio extravaganza which Hank and Patrick Ready conducted on Vancouver Cooperative Radio from 1975 to 1983.
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In 2019, we commissioned Canadian artist Katrina Burch (aka Yoneda Lemma) to create music for this interview with British artist and researcher Helen Pritchard. The process had a bunch of unexpected twists and turns which made this a one-of-a-kind podcast, with not one but two versions: one composed, manipulated, and produced by Yoneda Lemma, which ended up being more a phantasmagorical, kaleidoscopic audio essay than a conventional interview, and an extra version featuring the unprocessed recording of our conversation with Helen.
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Hamburg’s electronic pop provocateur Felix Kubin loves to pay homage to his favourite heroes and icons. From soviet astronauts to cult movie soundtracks and political parties. This 16:25 feature is part of his heartfelt love letter to the compact cassette, the last popular analogue recording medium. It was produced by Felix for his ‘Chromdioxidgedächtnis’ (chromium dioxide memory) project, released on his very own Gagarin Records.
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