Watchwords of the Eighties
Watchwords of the Eighties
1981 - 1982
audio archive
image not available online
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This performance was presented at Documenta 7, Kassel, in 1982, and in various venues in the United States and Canada. A silhouetted figure of ambiguous identity, in street gear and carrying a huge ghetto blaster, scrawls messages of resistance on a wall with projected slides of Ronald Reagan, president of the United States from 1981 to 1989, and on a map of Latin America. Press cuttings, budget graphics and articles on the horrors perpetrated in Central America are intervened by the artist, while she raps to music commenting on these subjects. The video ends with a photomontage by John Heartfield in which Hitler’s image is replaced by Ronald Reagan under the title Der Sinn des Hitlergrußes: Kleiner Mann bittet um große Gaben, Motto: Millionen stehen hinter mir! (The Meaning of the Hitler Salute: Little Man Asks for Big Gifts. Motto: Millions Stand Behind Me!).

The texts of the MACBA web draw on previous documentation. Please let us know if you find any errors.
original title
Watchwords of the Eighties
year of acquisition
type of object
Audiovisual recording
MACBA Collection. Barcelona City Council long-term loan
registration number
1981 - 1982
MACBA Collection. Long-term loan of the Barcelona City Council
Single-channel video, color, sound, 62 min
© Martha Rosler
original title
Watchwords of the Eighties
registration number
1981 - 1982
year of acquisition
MACBA Collection. Long-term loan of the Barcelona City Council
type of object
Audiovisual recording
Single-channel video, color, sound, 62 min
MACBA Collection. Barcelona City Council long-term loan
© Martha Rosler
Underground movements
Latin America
United States
Reagan, Ronald
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