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El Palomar (Grup d'artistes)
No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo sino el cegado por el falo perdido
Not Only Homophiles Are Homosexual, but Also Those Blinded by the Lost
Alberto Cardín (Villamayor, Asturias, 1948 – Barcelona, 1992) was an anthropologist, writer and a prominent gay activist during Spain’s transition to democracy. In 1973 he moved permanently to Barcelona where he taught anthropology at the School of Fine Arts, contributed regularly to magazines and newspapers such as El País, El viejo topo and Ajoblanco and wrote most of his works, with titles such as Guerreros, chamanes and travestis (Warriors, shamans and transvestites: Tusquets, 1984) and Dialéctica y canibalismo (Dialectics and cannibalism: Anagrama, 1992). Focusing on anthropology from an LGTBI perspective, Cardín was ahead of his time as a promoter of what would eventually be known as queer culture. In 1976 he wrote the script for No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo sino el cegado por el falo perdido (Not only homophiles are homosexual, but also those blinded by the lost phallus), a film that would never be produced. Before dying of AIDS, he donated his personal library to the Philosophy Department of the University of Oviedo, including this script which the artistic duo El Palomar has recently recovered. The screenplay contains most of the subjects later developed in Cardín’s theoretical works and can be considered a historical document of the Spanish Transition, at the time of the first political reform bill leading to the election of the first democratic president of Spain after the Franco dictatorship. It is an accurate reflection of this important moment and an early example of what years later would be known as ‘the cinema of the Transition’, as well as a pioneering revision of gender perspectives from the point of view of queer theories. El Palomar has brought Cardín’s script to the screen in an installation that features video, as well as all the documentation accompanying the research process to create the work and a set of posters made by various artists and later incorporated into the video as a way of marking the different scenes. Cabello/Carceller, Francesc Ruiz, Dora García and Nazario, among others, created posters on the topics developed in the film, such as perversion and truth, but also other subjects that interested Cardín, such as Lacan’s psychoanalysis, Pier Paolo Pasolini or Daniel Paul Schreber, a homosexual German judge who in the early twentieth century published his memoirs, which were later stigmatised by classical psychoanalysis. Following the presentation of the work at La Capella, Barcelona, in 2016, El Palomar explained: ‘To make a film out of this screenplay, in a way, is to re-write things from the point of view of Cardín. He had an extremely complex personality, first because he was an intellectual, and second because, socially, he was a very uncomfortable person. And this, we think, was mostly due to the fact that he understood gender theory from a queer perspective.’
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The texts of the MACBA web draw on previous documentation. Please let us know if you find any errors.
original title
No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo sino el cegado por el falo perdido
year of acquisition
type of object
Media installation
© El Palomar
registration number
Col·lecció MACBA. Dipòsit de la Generalitat de Catalunya
MACBA Collection. Government of Catalonia long-term loan. National Collection of Contemporary Art
original title
No es homosexual simplemente el homófilo sino el cegado por el falo perdido
registration number
year of acquisition
Col·lecció MACBA. Dipòsit de la Generalitat de Catalunya
type of object
Media installation
MACBA Collection. Government of Catalonia long-term loan. National Collection of Contemporary Art
© El Palomar
Cardín, Alberto
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