Out of Reserves

Contemporary art in schools

Fora de reserves
“Out of Reserves” is a temporary hosting programme in public schools for works from the city’s contemporary art collection, created by current artists in Barcelona. Sourced from the municipally owned artwork collection, a large part of the pieces were acquired using the COVID-19 Fund from 2020. The project, which includes the installation and exhibition of the works in secondary and primary schools, recognises these educational centres as exhibition spaces and an extension of the institution-museum itselfOut of Reserves will assist in developing various public, educational and mediation programmes, making visible the specialised work that exists within a museum, through the participation of artists, professionals from the institution, the educational community of each participating school, as well as its immediate surroundings. Out of Reserves will be rolled out throughout an entire school year and is coordinated by the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona and MACBA.

The pilot edition of Out of Reserves is being held during the 2022-2023 school year in a primary and secondary school in Barcelona: Escola Ramon Casas (La Marina, Sants-Montjuïc) and Institut Anna Gironella de Mundet (Horta-Guinardó). These are educational centres selected by the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona and the programme’s management team. The works In the Basket, by Isabel Banal, and High Five Zara composition01.ai (The Poignant), by Rubén Grilo, are the articulating nucleus and catalyst of a work process that will promote new situations of learning, encourage a natural coexistence with our heritage and activate the entire educational community. To make this possible, and to establish a natural dialogue with the MACBA collection, a curatorial discourse has been placed at the centre, using the idea of the body as a representation of the commodification of being, and the way in which this presence is inserted within a fierce capitalist and neo-capitalist culture.
Explore the works
Al cistell
Isabel Banal i Xifré
Isabel Banal’s piece, In the Basket, from 2017, is part of a series in which an anonymous body is placed inside various everyday domestic containers, such as a carrycot, a bucket, a plastic fruit box and different types of baskets. In this case, the body picks up a basket, an object that invokes tradition, the countryside and peasantry, and which today has been relegated to folkloric status. It is a gesture that focuses the gaze on the weight that tradition has had in the development of Western cultures and on the fact that a good part of the work was done by women. 
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High Five Zara composition01.ai (the Poignant)
Rubén Grilo
This is one of the first pieces in a long series made with laser on denim; the result of an experimentation process that concluded at the IAAC FabLab in Barcelona in 2014. It is an experience that gave rise to various works, some produced for the third part of the exhibition cycle curated by Martí Manen and David Armengol at the Fabra i Coats in Barcelona and others for a solo show at the Kunstverein Hildesheim in Germany entitledMit eigener Hand(With One’s Own Hands).
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