
Ever since the MACBA opened in 1995, the system of contemporary art in Catalonia has undergone a highly significant process of evolution in parallel with the development and growth of the museum. The MACBA has been a fundamental institution in the process of building a public art collection in Catalonia and has played a decisive role in reflection, research and dissemination regarding contemporary art.

The museum is now recognised for its immense capacity for critical and reflective openness in the field of art and thought and for offering a programme of quality events and an outstanding research and investigation structure, all of which are aspects that have turned it into an international reference. Over the years, the museum has positioned itself at the forefront thanks to its own distinctive and often innovative museum practices, successfully acting as a platform for discussion and debate, taking on a highly dynamic role and forging a very positive relationship with the art and culture sector even beyond Catalonia. The MACBA has provided a meeting point for the most noteworthy movements and voices on the contemporary scene, at all times balancing the tension between its institutional role and its social aspiration for transformation and critique. Now, after more than twenty years, the museum is facing a new era in which, far from wishing to break with the recent past, it envisages a process of development and progress aligned with a new vision and new opportunities of great importance to its future.