MACBA Planet

As a public institution, MACBA has always worked to optimise processes and efficiently manage resources. Since 2017, we have also incorporated environmental and social sustainability as priorities in the production and development of our activities.

our commitement
More recently, in 2023, we established MACBA PLANET, as one of the working groups of the Social Council, through which we work transversally on environmental and climate issues in the different working areas and departments of the Museum. This represents a new stage in our relationship with the public in order to address environmental sustainability with greater ambition and assume more challenges than those undertaken to date.  Three lines are being pursued:
  • 01
    Expanding the assessment of our carbon footprint.
  • 02
    Updating infrastructures and spaces by incorporating photovoltaic panels on the roofs of our buildings and a plan to replace the glass on the facade of the Museum to improve our energy efficiency.
  • 03
    MACBA will continue to programme content linked to the environment. 
In 2023, we joined the Barcelona City Council network as a climate shelter, offering our Family and Reading Space as a welcoming area for people, entities and projects that need to meet or shelter from the heat or cold.  Our commitment to the environment, a key factor in the Museum’s sustainability project, is manifest in our own environmental management system, which introduces multiple measures to reduce the negative impact of our activity on the environment, with the aim of being a more sustainable Museum, raising public awareness and curbing climate change.

We also participate in various networks, such as L’Internationale’s Climate Assembly, in order to articulate our actions and give a more comprehensive and global response to the climate change emergency. 
This is undertaken internally by transforming work relationships and dynamics through experimental spaces for transversal work. 
Environmental management system
Environmental management system
In 2017 and 2018 we carried out a complete environmental diagnosis which enabled us to detect strengths and weaknesses and set up a system of improvements based on the methodology of ISO standards.
Technology renewal and product replacement
Macba. Planifica la visita
Technology renewal and product replacement
Since 2014 we have been engaged in a progressive plan of technology renewal, seekingalternatives that are less polluting in themselves or that generate better consumption habits. In the same way, we are substituting numerous materials with more sustainable materials in a phased way depending on the museum’s resources and market possibilities: products that are more efficient, local and/or bearing certification of origin. Some examples:
  • 01
    With the adopted control measures we were able to reduce the energy consumption of the Meier building by 11.99%.
  • 02
    On the MACBA website, printing styles that generate simplified versions have been defined and on-screen reading is being promoted.
  • 03
    The computer equipment has been renewed (all of it has the “Energy Star” certification) and its default configuration updated, seeking maximum energy efficiency and minimum emission.
  • 04
    Plastic cups have been eliminated from our offices, and all paper used in communications is recycled and/or of sustainable origin.
Circular Economy
Circular Economy
At the MACBA we believe that the first step towards minimizing environmental impact is to make more efficient use of and extend the life of materials, whether by giving them new uses within the museum or collaborating with other organizations in the city with which we exchange furniture, frames, audiovisual equipment and so on.
Mobility Plan
Mobility Plan
We are actively working to reduce our carbon footprint, establishing a sustainable mobility plan that promotes measures to encourage public transport and less polluting means of transport.
Waste Management
Waste Management
At the MACBA we have a waste segregation system, and we involve our collaborators, suppliers, users and visitors in the selective collection of paper, packaging and glass fractions.
Commitment to the 2030 Agenda
Commitment to the 2030 Agenda
Following the trajectory of the Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia, we have incorporated the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our daily operations. All museum departments have been involved, linking our public and internal work to these challenges.
Barcelona + Sustainable
The MACBA is part of the local network for sustainability together with over 1,000 organizations committed to environmental, social and economic sustainability to collectively build a city that is responsible towards people and the environment.
Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism
Barcelona was the first urban destination to obtain the Biosphere certification for its commitment to sustainability in the tourism sector. In December 2019, MACBA was awarded the Barcelona Biosphere Commitment to Sustainable Tourism, a distinction that recognises the commitment of companies to a new model of tourism.
Distinction for Environmental Quality Guarantee
In November 2020, the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded MACBA a Distinction for Environmental Quality Guarantee in the category of cultural services: libraries, museums and collections. This category has strict environmental criteria regarding waste management, energy saving and efficiency, water saving systems, criteria for purchasing certified products with ecological labels and for sustainable mobility for both workers and users, among others.
L’Internationale’s Climate Assembly
A meeting place for different members of the confederation with the aim of debating and sharing the main challenges faced by museums in relation to the climate emergency, what tools we need to reduce our impact on the environment and how we can share a more articulated and comprehensive response among all participating agents in the art world. 
If you are interested in the environment, have proposals, want more information about our work or just have something to tell us, do not hesitate to contact us; we are at your service. Thank you!
for further information

Andrea Miguel