Radical software [vol. 1, núm. 5]
Conté: «The future of Radical Software». «Radical Software». — p. [1]. «Contents». — p. 2-3. «Revolutionaries are not just another special interest group». — p. 4-5. Evenson, Dean. — «Open ended nervous system». — p. 6-9. Devyatkin, Dimitri. — «Neural notes for the video worker». — p. 10-11. Laffoley, Paul. — «[Boston visionary cell]». — p. 14. Bender, Thomas. — «Telepa-vision : the communication of mental images». — p. 15. Kawin-Toomin, Marjorie. — «Alpha rhythm». — p. 16-17. Sowaal, John. — «Vital sign integration». — p. 17. Mohr, Manfred. — «Manfred Mohr computer graphics». — p. 18-19. Paskal, Merrily. — «Video soma feedback». — p. 20-21. Graham, David. — «Attitudes towards technology». — p. 22-29. Humphrey, Clifford. — «Constructing new lifestyles from an ecological perspective». — p. 30-31. «[Environmental conference in Sweden]». — p. 32. Bateson, Gregory. — «Up against the environment or ourselves?». — p. 33. Brodey, Warren. — «Recycling biotopology 1972 : notes from ecology tool & toy». — p. 34-36. Ryan, Paul. — «From crucifixion to cybernetic acupuncture». — p. 38-40. «Video and health care». — p. 41. «Using video in health care». — p. 42-43. Schwartz, Michael. — «Second generation medicine». — p. 44-46. Grayson, John. — «Gestalt learning». — p. 47. «Towards a video college». — p. 48. «A world system of universities and colleges». — p. 49. «Pacific High School痴 apprenticeship service program». — p. 49. Graham, David. — «Learning». — p. 50-51. Hocking, Ralph ; Dominick, Ken. — «The community centre for television production». — p. 52. Evenson, Dean ; Evenson, Dudley. — «Alternate education conference». — p. 53. Rudy, Chris. — «Iconics». — p. 54. [Dudley]. — «Portable video : the natural medium». — p. 55-57. Berg, Peter ; Berg, Judy. — «Homeskin : video pony express». — p. 58. «Feedback : Videofreex / Media Bus at maple tree farm». — p. 60-61. Reilly, John ; Stern, Rudi. — «Global village». — p. 62-63. «Challenge for change». — p. 64-65. Valiquette, Yolande ; Cuozzo, Peter. — «Video outreach». — p. 66-67. Harris, Jes ; Dragge, Alan. — «Alternate networks». — p. 68-69. Wodetzki, Tom. — «First progress report letter on rough plans for a nation-wide "movement"distribution set-up». — p. 69. Arlen, Ann. — «Video in prison». — p. 70. «Videotapes for sale and/or exchange». — p. 71-78. «[Advertisement for H. Allen Frederiksen's book "Community access video"脳». — p. 79. «[Cable TV : introduction]». — p. 80. Arlen, Ann. — «Public access : the second coming of television?». — p. 81-85. «[Raindance痴 cable TV report]». — p. 86-89. «Woodstock cable». — p. 90-91. «[Advertisement for the "April video conference & jamboree"]». — p. 92. «Please read me : an open letter from the producers of "are you there?"». — p. 93. «Video directory». — p. 94-107. Siegel, Eric. — «Eric Siegel痴 video report: a half-inch world video standard; the European scene; electronic correction; videotape publishing». — p. 108. «A Radical Software state-of-the-art report». — p. 109-115. «Books». — p. 116-117. «[Advertisement for the book "Guerilla Television"by Michael Shamberg and Raindance Corporation]». — p. 118. «[Advertisement for "Radical Software" magazine]». — p. 119-120. Sullivan, Walter. — «To let others know we are here». — p. [121]. «Raindance Video». — N. p.
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Radical software and the realistic Hope Foundation
Col·lecció MACBA. Centre d'Estudis i Documentació
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